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*Experienced High School/Primary School Tutor*

Major: Law
State: NSW
Type: Requesting
Listed By: Private Advertiser
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Hi, my name is Lucas and I've been tutoring students for the past 3 years from basic spelling, maths and Italian to Stage 3 Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. I'm currently studying a Law and Psychology double major at UWA with assured entry into the Juris Doctor for post graduate studies.

As for location, I feel it's easier to meet at a public library as it provides a similar environment to exam conditions. I live in Guildford so the Midland or Bassendean library would be preferred but I can also meet at the State Library after uni/school. I charge $25/hr but more than willing to reduce this if more hours are booked.

Feel free to contact me for any information and I hope to hear from you soon.

Mobile: 0405 720****   + ":  

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