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Looking for a tutor

Major: IT
State: NSW
Type: Offering
Listed By: PU12

I am looking for a dedicated university student to come to my home in Granville, NSW to tutor a small group of year 3 pupils (there will be a maximum of 4).  You will need to  have recently completed your HSC with excellent marks in English, Maths and Science.  You will feel comfortable with teaching year 3 pupils and possessed a capability to encourage young children to learn in a fun but hard working environment.

What is on offer ? Each week, you will be tutoring for 3.5 hours on Saturday afternoon. I will provide you with the teaching materials. You will be paid between $20/h to $25/h depending on your experience.

You will be required for the NSW school terms. i.e 44 weeks in a year. If you are suitable for the job, this job will last for the next 4 years.

Please send me a brief details about yourself to or you can call me on 0418 462 105 to discuss in details. 


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