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Maths & Programming Tutor - Online

Major: IT
State: NSW
Type: Offering
Listed By: tomekSydney

Professional Maths Tutor and Senior Java Developer with over 6 years of experience teaching all levels of mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Pre-Calculus, GMAT, GRE, SAT, IB Math, Differential Equations), MS Office (especially MS Excel and MS Access) and programming (mainly Java, C# and Matlab). 

Hourly rate: $80

How do I teach? 
ONLINE only – the lessons are on Skype. 
You can always contact me via e-mail. I’m more than happy to answer any questions that students come up with between the sessions. I also send files which are necessary for upcoming sessions. 

+++++ Online Tutoring +++++

For some people the idea of online tutoring seems unusual and that is OK. My team and I have accumulated a vast amount of resources and expertise in online tutoring. We use a number of programs to make your learning experience as seamless and effective as possible. Moreover, you will quickly appreciate the great flexibility that comes with online tutoring.

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