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Tutors and Music Teachers Wanted

Major: Other Subjects
State: VIC
Type: Offering
Listed By: Private Advertiser
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Tutors and Music Teachers Wanted

We would like to invite Tutors and Music Teachers to write study tips/tutorials for the local students. Tutors will be paid by article written.

Tutor - write study tips, such as exam preparations, study techniques, most common problem with math study, or any tips will be useful for students.

Music Teacher - share youtube video with us, this can be piano tutorial or lesson for beginner, or any other musical instrument.

For more information about this opportunity, please visit

Rate is negotiable based on the tutoring/ teaching experience and the quality of content produced.

We continue invite tutors or music teacher to produce great articles for us, and all the opportunity will be posted on our website.

If you believe you can write good articles or produce decent video, please send your resume and a brief cover letter to express your interest to us on

Thank you.

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