There are so many professions and new industries that have been introduced in recent decades, with the options for new students and professionals seemingly endless. Choosing a business-orientated degree to study will set you up for success as there are so many directions you can take this study. There are short courses in business planning… Read More

when to get help at school

Sometimes, even the smartest students can fail to perform well academically. When scholars are underperforming, they’re stuck and aren’t sure how to improve.  If you’re in this situation, the first step is to determine why you’re underperforming and then find ways to tackle the issue. This article will point out when to seek help at… Read More


In recent years, utilising the psychometric test in the recruitment process is getting increasingly popular in Australia. More and more companies are asking the potential candidates to complete the psychometric test before scheduling an interview. If you wish to find a job right now, you have to be well-prepared for the psychometric test. Understanding your… Read More

student studying with music

Are you struggling to get motivated to study? It can be tough to keep your focus when all you want to do is Netflix and chill. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this blog post, we will share 9 easy ways to make studying fun again. By following these tips, you’ll be able… Read More


Many young entrepreneurs are using social media platforms for building their online businesses. There are some who have been able to find financial success before they are even allowed to drive a car. Below are five things a young person needs to know before they can start a new business. 1) An Active LinkedIn Presence… Read More

nurses in high demand

We’re living in unprecedented times of global shutdown. Many jobs have been made redundant or permanently lost due to lack of revenue-generating activities. The unemployment globally is at around 190 million and the US witnessed over 26.4 million unemployment claims filed. Unemployment in Australia and New Zealand reached 11%, the highest peak in 30 years.… Read More