When you leave your home and arrive at your new flat at the university, you should spend a few days to unpack your luggage and organize everything in your room. It is important to know that this your new place where you are going to spend a lot of time in. Therefore, you should make it as comfy as possible to help you feel more relaxed and comforting. In addition, when you decorate your new room and make it looks like your old room where you used to stay in, it will surely help you to get rid of your homesickness and feeling of loneliness. Also when you live in a more organized and beautiful room, you will be able to be more motivated and focused on your studying.
Here are some of the things that you should do to transform your university room into a place that you could call home.
1. Change pillows and bed sheets
Your bed surely does take up a lot of space in your room. Therefore, it should be the first thing you need to take care of when you want to decorate your dorm room into a home.
You can bring your own pillows, pillow covers, and bed sheets and use them. This will give a feeling of familiarity- it feels like you are sleeping in the same bed as in your old room.
In addition, you can plan to buy a few decorative pillows. Choose kinds of pillows that would make your room look warmer and more comforting. Maybe some pillows in dark, warm colours?
Don’t forget about cushions. These items would be a great help to bring extra homely and comfort, especially when you need something to lean on while watching movies ?. Cushions of different shapes and sizes will make your room look cozier and inviting. Go for cushions with fun patterns and prints to make a contrast look with your plain bedding and wall.
2. Chang the lighting options
Lighting is one of the most important features of the room and changing the lighting options of your new university room will surely make it look more cozy and comforting.
You can buy a new table lamp. Alternatively, you can decorate your room with fairy lights to bring a relaxing atmosphere to your new room. It will also make your room become more sparkling. Not to mention that you can decorate these fairy lights into different shapes.
It is worth noting that some university accommodation might not allow you to hang fairy lights on the wall or light up any candles. Therefore, you should check the university accommodation’s rules before buying these fairy lights and decorating your room with it.
3. Bring something from home
If you have something from home such as trinkets, ornaments and a picture that you usually put in your nightstand, you should bring them to your accommodation room. When you look at these items, it would remind you of your old room and make you feel more relaxed.
4. Hang the pictures of your friends and family
Remember to bring some pictures of your family and friends with you when you move into your new room. Whenever you miss them, you can take a look at the pictures. It might make you miss them more but over time, you will feel happy and comfortable when looking at these pictures. It will surely remind you of the memories that you have with your friends and family.
Or you can use a Polaroid camera and print these small and cute pictures to hang them onto a piece of string.
5. Use essential oil diffuser
Using essential oil diffuser to release essential oils such as lavender oil into your room will bring a relaxing scent and make you feel relaxed. There is a huge range of essential oils for you to choose from. You can go for relaxing scents such as lavender or rose or a more dynamic and refreshing essential oil such as mint and orange.
Diffusers come with different sizes and shapes as well. They offer both stylish and traditional styles which you can consider according to the style you want your room to have.
6. Decorate your room with pictures and other items to make it as customized and unique as possible
You can buy new decorative items and fill up your new room to make it less empty. You can also buy a few posters and postcards to personalise your room. You should use blue tack or white tack to stick these posters on the wall to prevent any damage on it. Some university accommodation might not allow you to hang posters on the wall, but you can use pinboard instead.
Another thing you can consider decorating in your room is a plant. The plant represents life and liveliness and it would make a great feature that you can put by your window. In addition, plants and flowers help to purify the air around you. If you don’t have a lot of time to take care of your plants or flowers, don’t worry. There are a lot of plants and flowers that live well with the lack of water and light. Just simply search for indoor plants and flowers for more ideas.
Above are some of the things that you could do to transform your accommodation room into a home. Doing a few things such as changing your pillows and bed sheets, changing the lighting options, bringing something from home, hanging pictures of your friends and family and decorating your room with posters, postcards and plants will surely help to make your new room as comforting and relaxing as possible. And when you feel comfortable living in the new room, I am sure that you would be able to cope with any feeling of homesickness and loneliness and from then on, be more focused on your study.