guide for new graduates

If you’re fresh out of university and looking to embark onto the next stage of your life, this is the article for you. Entering the world of business as a fresh graduate can be a slightly challenging experience. Finding a job that provides you with both personal fulfilment and financial stability can prove to be difficult. Fret not, for today we have a look at some incredibly helpful tips for anyone who is trying to enter the business world fresh out of school. Read on to find out more!

1. Give The Best Interview


Interviews are something that many new graduates dread. However, interviews are also the stepping stone to nabbing your dream job. This is why getting ready yourself and ensuring that you can provide the most informational interview is key. We always recommend doing some in-depth research on the company you are looking to be hired by. Not only will this give you a rough guideline of your job requirements, but it also shows initiative on your part. Businesses love interviewees who go the extra mile. A great tip from experts is to treat your interview as an investigation to see if you are the right fit for the job. Sometimes you will realise that what they are looking for is not in line with your goals or aspirations, so remember to keep your options open and look into a wide variety of positions instead of putting all your eggs in one basket. 

2.   Seek Out Mentors


When it comes to landing your first job, we highly recommend seeking out mentors or experts that will be able to give you the best advice. Instead of just relying on mom and dad, look towards networking with experts in your field. Ask them how they achieved their success, what steps they would take if in your shoes and the best route to achieving your goals and aspirations. Liaising with an expert will ensure that the information you receive comes from a 100% objective standpoint without any emotions clouding the way. 

3. Be Realistic


It is incredibly important that fresh graduates remain realistic about their job prospects. Instead of having goals such as becoming the CEO of a company instantly, we highly recommend that you list out small yet achievable and realistic goals for your career. Due to lack of experience, you’re probably not going to become a manager instantly. Embracing the fact that you are in the formative years of your career is key in not ending up disappointing or discouraged. 

4. Network, Network, Network


In the age of all things digital, it has never been more important to network with people in your field. This means setting up a LinkedIn profile with a professional photograph of yourself and an in-depth explanation of your strengths, talents and education history. You never know who may come across your page and offer you the job you’ve been looking for. We also recommend going to networking events for young graduates in order to acquaint yourself with people in your field. 

5. Stay Positive

The key to success is always staying positive as a fresh graduate. Just because you haven’t gotten the job you applied for doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do so in the future. Having a positive outlook and not being discouraged by obstacles that may be in your way is key in finding a job that is the perfect fit for you. 

6. Tackle The Legalities

Another step towards building your career in business is to ensure that you tackle legalities head-on. If you are planning on working as a freelancer, sole contractor or consultant, you will be required to find out how to register an ABN. It is also important that you ensure your taxes are in order as well as researching business contacts, employment benefits and other matters that may arise when you get your first job. Being on the ball about these important aspects of entering the business world is a critical step towards landing your dream job. 
With a little research, networking and strong ambition, new graduates can easily transition into the world of a working adult. We hope that this article has given you some helpful insight into how you can enter the business world.

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